THE NET: Audiocast

During the pandemic, alongside my collaborators Peter Andersen, Cloteal Horne, Margaret Bridges, and Devin Cameron Jewett, the NET was born - a live audiocast of text and music, featuring performers and artists from around the world.

It is the mission of The NET to produce short live audio casts which use a constellation of text to uplift the human spirit, clarify the mind, and expand the imagination. By weaving a myriad of voices together we seek to be in communion with artists who have brought us to this present moment and ones which will forge the path ahead.

Each episode’s content is centered around a particular theme. Past themes include Longing, Perseverance, Community, Reflection and Rage, Liberation, and Joy.  We kick it old school with a dial-in, or party line approach. All the listener needs to do is dial in to the number (conveniently text messaged to you at show time if needed) and listen in. The NET is not a regular occurrence, but something that shows up when it’s needed.


Starbird & the Phoenix: Music Video


Natasha and the Bass Line